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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mistakes Some Administrators Make During Coaching Job Searches

Having been quite the student of the job searches of coaches and having gone through a number of job searches myself, I have discovered some things that are done during the processes that are not the most optimal behaviors.  There is not a perfect method to hiring coaches.  Every athletic director, search committee or university administrator has a different perspective on what is needed for the job.  It is always amazing to me when the search process leads to weird behaviors among those that are charged with leading the program further.  Below are some of my observations (right or wrong) throughout the years.
  1. Checking only references provided by the applicant.  Unless, the applicant expressly asks that you not contact their current employers, why would you not do that?  First of all, shouldn't you want to know all you can about the candidate?  Secondly, isn't it common courtesy to ask for permission or inform the other school that you are interviewing one of their coaches.  By the way, shame on those administrators that get mad at their coaches for applying for a job without telling them but then end up hiring someone away from a job without informing the other school.
  2. Hiring the "latest, greatest up-and-comer".  True, the coach that seems to have all of the momentum just may keep that momentum going into your job.  However, there is also the very real possibility that *******************
  3. Lazy Questioning During Interview
  4. Settling and Compromising
  5. Not Including the Family
  6. Not Including the Current Staff
  7. Handshake Agreements or Day-to-Day Contracts
  8. Silly Comments
  9. Knee Jerk Reactions
  10. Rushed or Hurried Interview Process
  11. Not Being Prepared.  Short list.
  12. Lack of True Direction
  13. Bad Fit
  14. On-the-Job Training

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